Following on from our 2021 Saudi Sportswashing report, the level of investment and the obfuscation of that opera- tion has grown exponentially in the region. Sporting stars and brands that had previously shunned offers to play in Saudi due to human rights abuses, have now been enticed to rethink their moral standing and accept big money deals – even though those same human rights abuses continue and worsen to this day.
Grant Liberty is a London-based non-profit organisation which aims to stand and fight for human rights worldwide. Grant Liberty is a global voice for those who have been silenced. We believe that rights and freedom anywhere in the world is an integral part of the global struggle for human dignity. We aim to address human rights violations from the emboldened individuals to governments.
Our aim is to provide liberty for all regardless of race, colour and belief, to hold to account those who have forced injustice on the innocent. We do this by lobbying, raising awareness, engaging in global coverage, petitioning and involving national and international courts to fight against global oppression.
Liberty For All
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Saudi Arabia’s $1.5bn Sports-Washing Programme
Saudi Arabia’s $1.5bn Sports-Washing Programme Saudi Arabia’s Sports-Washing Programme Saudi Arabia should be treated as a pariah – that was the view of then candidate Joe Biden, and it’s not hard to see why. When assessing the Kingdom’s human rights record, three issues come up [ read more ]
It’s not just Loujain
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2 Year of arbitrary detention for Humanitarian Abdulrahman Al-Sadhan
On World Humanitarian Day @AreejASadhan writes for us on why Western governments have to do more to demand the release of her brother.
The real accounts of horror inside Saudi prisons
The real accounts of horror inside Saudi prisons It was the early morning hours of December 17, 2000. William Sampson had his breakfast and was about to leave home to his workplace. Sampson was a Canadian-British consultant who was working in Riyadh, the capital city of [ read more ]
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