Abdul rahman al-Hamid

Abdul rahman al-Hamid

Abdul rahman al-Hamid

Personal information

Name: Abdul rahman al-Hamid

Name in Arabic: عبد الرحمن الحامد

Date of Birth: 15 May 1905

Gender: Male

Marital status: Married

Profession: Academic , ACPRA member

Place of residence: Riyadh

Arrest and jail information

Date of arrest:17 April 2014

Manner of arrest: Arrested while at criminal investigation headquarters

Where held: Malaz Prison, Riyadh

Trial information

Alleged crimes: Unknown

Victim's charges: Inciting public opinion; creating public disorder by calling for demonstrations; insulting the authorities; co-founding an unlicensed organisation (ACPRA)

Court: Specialised Criminal Court (SCC)

Verdict: 9-year prison term and a fine of 50,000 Saudi riyals

Date of verdict: 9-year prison term and a fine of 50,000 Saudi riyals

Updates on trial: Unknown

Previous arrests:

Human Rights Violations

Violations: Arbitrary arrest/ detention

Violation details: Unknown


Reference 1: https://features.hrw.org/features/HRW_2016_reports/140_Characters/index.html#en/abdulrahman-al-hamid

Reference 2: https://menarights.org/en/caseprofile/acpra-co-founder-abdulrahman-al-hamid-arbitrarily-detained-march-2013

Reference 3: https://alqst.org/prisonersofconscience/abdulrahman-al-hamid

Reference 4: The Prisoners of Conscience group said on Twitter Sheikh Abdullah al-Hamed started an open-ended hunger strike in his prison on 18.02.2019


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