Abdullah al-Maliki
Abdullah al-Maliki
He is a prominent reformist academic and writer known for his support for human rights. His last tweet was " Whatever the form of the political system that you propose and believe in; There is nothing more dangerous or worse than the will of one man over the people" and has repeatedly spoken out against the normalisation of relationships with Israel.
Personal information
Name: Abdullah al-Maliki
Name in Arabic: عبد الله المالكي
Date of Birth: 1 January 1978
Gender: Male
Marital status: Unknown
Profession: Humanrights activist
Place of residence: Jeddah
Arrest and jail information
Date of arrest:12 September 2017
Manner of arrest: Was arrested after a raid on his home
Where held: Al-Ha’ir Prison, Riyadh
Trial information
Alleged crimes: Unknown
Victim's charges: Unknown
Court: Specialised Criminal Court (SCC)
Verdict: Seven year prison sentence
Date of verdict: Seven year prison sentence
Updates on trial: On 3 September 2020, the Specialised Criminal Court sentenced him to seven years in jail for his cultural activities, including defending members of civil rights group ACPRA
Previous arrests:
Human Rights Violations
Violations: Arbitrary arrest/ detention
Violation details: Unknown
Reference 1: None
Reference 2: https://sphngo.org/en/saudi-authorities-continue-detaining-researcher-abdullah-al-maliki/
Reference 3: https://alqst.org/en/prisonersofconscience/abdullah-al-maliki
Reference 4: None
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