Ali Badahdah

Ali Badahdah

Ali Badahdah

Islamic cleric, book writer and celebrity known for speaking out against israel and in favour of the palestinian cause. Professor of Hadith and teaching member at King Abdul Aziz University, preacher and Islamic thinker, founding member of a large number of societies for memorizing the Noble Quran in Saudi Arabia, charitable societies in Jeddah, supervisor of the Islamiyat website, and the imam and preacher of the Saeed bin al-Jubeir mosque and al-Amoudi mosque in the Khalidiya district. The victim belongs to a notable family in the city of Jeddah, and the family is known for relief work, and the victim's last activity on his Twitter account was: Re-tweeting Sheikh Muhammad Yusri Ibrahim on September 10, 2018 - two days before his arrest.

Personal information

Name: Ali Badahdah

Name in Arabic: علي بادحدح

Date of Birth: 28 June 1961

Gender: Male

Marital status: Married

Profession: Academic

Place of residence: Jeddah

Arrest and jail information

Date of arrest:12 September 2017

Manner of arrest: State Security Investigations forces and heavily armed military forces stormed his house, violating the sanctity of the house, tampering with its contents and terrifying his family members, then arresting the victim, and then forcibly taking him to an unknown destination, without disclosing the reasons for his arrest.

Where held: Jeddah - Dhahban Central Prison

Trial information

Alleged crimes: His refusal to attack the Qatari regime

Victim's charges: Not legally declared

Court: Specialised Criminal Court (SCC)

Verdict: Unknown

Date of verdict: Unknown

Updates on trial: Unknown

Previous arrests:

Human Rights Violations

Violations: Arbitrary arrest/ detention , Denied contact with family , Denied access to a lawyer

Violation details: Unknown


Reference 1: None

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Reference 4: None


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