Ibrahim Nasser Al-Nasser
Ibrahim Nasser Al-Nasser
The victim has been isolated from the outside world from the date of his arrest until now, and is currently being brought before the Specialized Criminal Court, which is fully subject to the authority of the security apparatus.
Personal information
Name: Ibrahim Nasser Al-Nasser
Name in Arabic: إبراهيم ناصر الناصر
Date of Birth: 6 March 1954
Gender: Male
Marital status: Unknown
Profession: Cleric
Place of residence: Riyadh
Arrest and jail information
Date of arrest:11 September 2017
Manner of arrest: His arrest was confirmed by the Saudi authorities after his enforced disappearance in September 11, 2017
Where held: Unknown
Trial information
Alleged crimes: His intellectual and awareness-raising activity in support of peoples and their rights to a decent life and participation; This led to his accusation by the Saudi media of being a supporter of "terrorist" movements.
Victim's charges: Unknown
Court: Unknown
Verdict: Unknown
Date of verdict: Unknown
Updates on trial: Unknown
Previous arrests:
Human Rights Violations
Violations: Arbitrary arrest/ detention
Violation details: Unknown
Reference 1: None
Reference 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFpZqrKGMWM (interview with Fahad Sunaidi)
Reference 3: https://alqst.org/en/prisonersofconscience/ibrahim-al-nasser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFpZqrKGMWM (interview with Fahad Sunaidi)
Reference 4: None
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