Khaled Al-Melhem

Khaled Al-Melhem

Former director general of Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia), Mulhem also served as the president of the Saudi Telecom Company for five years. Now overseeing Khaled A Al-Melhem & Bros Company. Released two months after being detained

Personal information

Name: Khaled Al-Melhem

Name in Arabic: خالد الملحم

Date of Birth: Unknown

Gender: Male

Marital status: Unknown

Profession: Unknown

Place of residence: Unknown

Arrest and jail information

Date of arrest:5 November 2017

Manner of arrest: Unknown

Where held: Unknown

Trial information

Alleged crimes: Unknown

Victim's charges: Unknown

Court: Unknown

Verdict: Unknown

Date of verdict: Unknown

Updates on trial: Unknown

Previous arrests:

Human Rights Violations

Violations: No information

Violation details: No information


Reference 1:

Reference 2: None

Reference 3:

Reference 4: None


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