Maha Al-Rafidi
Maha Al-Rafidi
Released on the 2nd of Dec 2019 (within 30 days of arrest)
Personal information
Name: Maha Al-Rafidi
Name in Arabic: مها الرفيدي
Date of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Female
Marital status: Unknown
Profession: Journalist , Writer
Place of residence: Asir
Arrest and jail information
Date of arrest:28 September 2019
Manner of arrest: During the night-time, approximately thirty Saudi Arabian officials, including armed and hooded men and those in military uniform, raided the home of a family member of Maha’s where she was staying. They seized Maha and took her to her home nearby, where forces entered the building and took Maha’s devices, books and possessions.
Where held: Sha’ar Prison, Asir
Trial information
Alleged crimes: Unknown
Victim's charges: Unknown
Court: Unknown
Verdict: Unknown
Date of verdict: Unknown
Updates on trial: Unknown
Previous arrests:
Human Rights Violations
Violations: Arbitrary arrest/ detention, Placed in Solitary confinement
Violation details: She was held for two months in solitary confinement.
Reference 1: None
Reference 2: None
Reference 3:
Reference 4: None
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