Munir al-Adam
Munir al-Adam
Executed on the 23.04.2019. His case had drawn the attention of UN bodies, including Special Procedures (SAU 5/2016 and SAU 7/2017), and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) issued a decision on his case finding Saudi Arabia in violation of its obligations under the CRPD. Today’s executions were reportedly carried out without prior notice to the families.
Personal information
Name: Munir al-Adam
Name in Arabic: منير الادم
Date of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Male
Marital status: Unknown
Profession: Unknown
Place of residence: Al-Qatif
Arrest and jail information
Date of arrest:8 April 2012
Manner of arrest: On 8 April 2012, security forces detained him at a checkpoint. He was accused of attending a pro-democracy protest and taken to the al-Qatif police station. At the police station, authorities subjected Munir to falaqa, or beating on the soles of the feet, and injured him so badly he could not walk for days.
Where held: dammam Al-Mabaheth (General Investigations Directorate)
Trial information
Alleged crimes: He was accused of attending a pro-democracy protest and taken to the al-Qatif police station
Victim's charges: The prosecutor charged him with participating in and organizing demonstration and a variety of alleged terrorist acts. In June 2016, Munir was convicted and sentenced to death.
Court: Unknown
Verdict: Munir was convicted and sentenced to death.
Date of verdict: Munir was convicted and sentenced to death.
Updates on trial: Unknown
Previous arrests:
Human Rights Violations
Violations: Arbitrary arrest/ detention, Torture and ill-treatment, Held in Solitary confinement, Denied access to healthcare, Denied access to a lawyer, Denied contact with family,
Violation details: At the police station, authorities subjected Munir to falaqa, or beating on the soles of the feet, and injured him so badly he could not walk for days. Two weeks later, Munir was transferred to the General Directorate of Investigation (GDI) in al-Dammam. GDI officers forced Munir into solitary confinement. They kicked Munir all over his body, smashed his fingers and toes, which led to the loss of a fingernail and a toenail, and beat Munir in the ear so hard he experienced sharp pain and continuously heard a high-pitched whistling sound. Four and a half months after this injury, the GDI took Munir to a hospital, yet denied him the opportunity to have an operation that would have saved his hearing. Munir became permanently deaf in one ear because of the abuse he endured at the hands of the GDI.
Reference 1: None
Reference 2: None
Reference 3: https://www.adhrb.org/2019/04/profiles-persecution-munir-al-adam/
Reference 4: None
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