Nayef al-Sahafi
Nayef al-Sahafi
Personal information
Name: Nayef al-Sahafi
Name in Arabic: نايف الصحفي
Date of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Male
Marital status: Unknown
Profession: Blogger
Place of residence: Unknown
Arrest and jail information
Date of arrest:12 September 2017
Manner of arrest: Unknown
Where held: Unknown
Trial information
Alleged crimes: Unknown
Victim's charges: The Public Prosecution charged him with several unfair charges, the most prominent of which was "participating in relief work outside the Kingdom" and demanded that he be "imprisoned" and prevented from traveling.
Court: Specialised Criminal Court (SCC)
Verdict: Unknown
Date of verdict: Unknown
Updates on trial: Unknown
Previous arrests:
Human Rights Violations
Violations: Arbitrary arrest/ detention
Violation details: Unknown
Reference 1: None
Reference 2: None
Reference 3:
Reference 4: None
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