Saud Al-Fanaisan

Saud Al-Fanaisan

Al-Funaisan is a university teacher and a previous dean of the professors of Sharia at Al-Imam University in Riyadh. Arrested in March 2020 but his arrest only to came to light in September 2020. No charges have been brought againt him and neither has he has faced the courts to date as far as we know,

Personal information

Name: Saud Al-Fanaisan

Name in Arabic: سعود الفنيسان

Date of Birth: Unknown

Gender: Male

Marital status: Married

Profession: Academic

Place of residence: Unknown

Arrest and jail information

Date of arrest:1 March 2020

Manner of arrest: Unknown

Where held: Unknown

Trial information

Alleged crimes: Unknown

Victim's charges: Unknown

Court: Unknown

Verdict: Unknown

Date of verdict: Unknown

Updates on trial: Unknown

Previous arrests:

Human Rights Violations

Violations: No information

Violation details: Unknown


Reference 1: None

Reference 2: None

Reference 3:

Reference 4: None


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