Suleiman al-Daweish

Suleiman al-Daweish

Suleiman al-Daweish

Personal information

Name: Suleiman al-Daweish

Name in Arabic: سليمان الدرويش

Date of Birth: Unknown

Gender: Male

Marital status: --

Profession: Cleric

Place of residence: Unknown

Arrest and jail information

Date of arrest:22 April 2016

Manner of arrest: He was arrested posting tweets in which he seemed to criticise King Salman for giving his son Mohammad bin Salman so much power, by making him his own deputy as Prime Minister and appointing him as Crown Prince and Defence Minister. Mohammed bin Salman had al-Dowaish arrested by forces of the Ministry of Defence and Aviation, of which he was the minister. Later, after ousting his cousin and taking control of the Ministry of Interior and its facilities, he had al-Dowaish moved into the Mabahith (secret police) prison system. It was not long before al-Dowaish disappeared from sight, and nothing further has been heard of him, or about his health or whereabout

Where held: Unknown

Trial information

Alleged crimes: Unknown

Victim's charges: Unknown

Court: --

Verdict: Unknown

Date of verdict: Unknown

Updates on trial: Unknown

Previous arrests:

Human Rights Violations

Violations: Arbitrary arrest/ detention , Enforced disappearance , Denied contact with family , Denied access to a lawyer , Torture and ill-treatment

Violation details: in September 2020 news confirmed that he was subjected to brutal torture and maltreatment.


Reference 1: None

Reference 2: None

Reference 3:

Reference 4: None


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